This blog will be about video games mostly. I am a 14 Year MMO vet and Started Console gaming heavily back in the Nintendo (Original) Days.

I am crude, bossy, crass, opinionated, and not politically correct.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Really sick of people crying.

So I had the chance to Beta Test Star Wars: The Old Republic on the first weekend of November.  While I saw it had some issues, it had 2 major things going for it. #1 it was Star Wars, #2 The Story by Bioware was really good.

Trying to fill my void with not being able to play anymore I've been on various forums just trying to get information.

Mostly what I have found was people bitching, crying, complaining about a game that has not even been released yet.

People bitch that the Beta Weekend which is a privilege is gonna be a tiered invite.  People bitch about the Early access being a tiered invite.  People bitch that the game has no damage meters.  People bitch that the game has no this, no that, its a WoW Clone, its Not enough like WoW.

I am damn sick of it.

I am a 14 year MMO veteran.  Starting in 97 with UO, I have been playing MMOs pretty much non stop.  EQ, EQ2, EQOA, FFXI, FFXIV, WoW, SWG, MxO, Hero, LoL, LOTRO, UO, and the list goes on and on and on.  Ive played everything from Sandboxes to Theme Parks and everything between.  Some I hated, some I loved.

So I say this to the developers out there, for the most part, do not listen to gamers.  They are idiots that have no idea what they want.  Selfish people who piss moan and complain with what they have yet still stick around and play.  DO NOT pull an SWG or EvE (Out of Ship) ever but do your thing.  People will come and people will go but do not give to much power to the players or they will ruin your game.

Now on to my answers to people bitching about shit:

#1 Tiered intro into Beta:
Get the fuck over it, its a beta, its not for you its for Bioware.  Be happy your getting in  at all.

#2 Full Time Beta Servers not for Weekend Testers
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitches. Be happy that you have got to play the game more then others and you were lucky enough to be selected.  Let the Weekenders have their fun, your not special.  I appreciate the work you put in to the game to make it better but it'll all be gone soon anyways.

#3 Tiered entry to Early Release
It sucks but really its just a privilege. You paid nothing extra for it, so suck it up, take it when you get it and get into the game.

#4 Game is a WoW Clone
I see similar things yes, but WOW ripped alot off from other games as well.  Companions and the Story distinguish this game from WoW hands down.

#5 Make the game more like WoW
No, no, Fuck No. You are an idiot go back to WoW.  Its that simple.  I dont want a easy mode game.  This game is easy enough already, do not dumb it down anymore.

#6 I want damage meters
Great, I don't but this one is not one Ill bitch about to much.  I don't like damage meters as they cause people to turn into elitist assholes.I support the easy fix to this, Bioware please allow Mods.

Thats all I have for right now.  Ill rant more later.


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